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Thursday 29 October 2009

Love Is...

Love is a carefully crafted mix tape, for her, when you hate every song,
Love is saying ‘yes, you’re right’, even when you know she’s wrong,
Love is randomly laughing at something funny she said yesterday,
Love is a picture of her in your pocket when she’s away,

Love is hating every song on the list, but it’s still top of the pile,
Love is knowing he’s wrong, but being sure he’ll agree in a while,
Love is hoping he laughs at your jokes, your mistakes,
Love is a tear or two when you’re apart, it aches,

Love is careless when it’s pouring with rain and her lips are on yours,
Love is a goodbye as she boards her plane, and waving as it soars,
Love is endurance of chick flicks, shoe shopping and PMT,
Love is 24/7, never crowded but beautifully free,

Love is a frozen, forced smile despite rain drenched toes,
Love is feeling him there, thousands of feet in the air, up up she goes,
Love is pretending you enjoy gangster films, football and beer,
Love is tranquillity, contentedness, no need for fear,

Love is he.
Love is she.
Love is us.
Love is we.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Last Love Song

I expect you'll roll your azure eyes,
Flicker them, amused, towards grey skies,
Until now, hope has brightly clung on,
Has stared so intently into the sun,
Blinded, impossible I could be wrong,
...Today I will write the last love song,

As a tree shakes great golden leaves away,
You do to me, like child's play,
If love warrants proof, I've a lyric, a rhyme,
Fourteen lines to make you mine,
Oh, fruitful years and bridges burned,
Wasted pen, a heart unreturned,

Exhausted now by wishes, this verse is through,
And this, the last love song I'll write to you

Thursday 3 September 2009

Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold...Too Bad I'm So Hot

As I hold up this heart shaped knife,
Your tongue it sours to preserve your life,
I hear toxic words projected from your evil lips,
And don't forget the violence or your iron grips,
Our sepia tone summers veiled as your meat,
Three years dusted with candy deceit,
Wanting to collapse into an ocean backdrop,
In my hallucinations I laugh as you hop
One leg snapped, the pain on your face,
To me you're scar on the human race,
What you did was filthy- was I not enough?
Do not expect sympathy- I am too tough,
Too smart to forgive, too alive to not be free,
But worst of all you've hurt haven't hurt me

Bloody Valentine

Loving hatred so splendid a song,
Better to have loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all,
What they say sickens me,
Green grass where we used to talk, used to dream
and laugh is now covered in scorch marks,

Your smile it slowly S-P-R-E-A-D-S; ear to ear,
Claws are extended; glaring, waiting,
Primary school: sandpit and skipping ropes,
Junior school: hopscotch, backpacks,
High school: boys, make-up, cinema,
After school: a blur, a big nothing,

There you are, in your blue BMW,
As you were, but this time so real,
Radiance surrounds you, perfection...
...he is with you. Him. Mine, or
At least he used to be,
Childhood sweetheart, broken dreams,

Flawless skin, shoulders straight,
Continue down the city street,
Winding down the window,
Your chin held high,
I pull the trigger,
Sorry mate, but he is and always will be
My bloody valentine

Dream A Dream

I reached for hope where there was none,
I took a chance to drive them out,
I held my head and carried on,
I crushed their nagging doubt,

I strived through the pain and the tears,
I stretched my aching limbs,
I laughed off my crippling fears,
I followed all my whims,

I grasped every opportunity,
I'd whimper but not wail,
I told myself the best was me,
I said I'd never fail,

I saw the beauty in my mistakes,
I hung onto threads of fate,
I knew I was real among the fakes,
I loved but did not hate,

I shed a tear and let it roll,
I cheered for my saddened team,
I poured the song out from my soul,
I knew I'd dreamed a dream

I Feel Fine

I seek your smile, a word to say
"I love you"; I'll be fine,
I can't see a face among the crowd,
But yours is merged with mine,
I hear a voice, could it be yours?
Each word like rainbow's shine,
I feel your lips soft against my own,
A kiss- how could I decline?
I need you to hold me through the lonely days,
And to dance within my mind,
I miss your laugh but I see it now,
I can't let you go this time,
I panic without you near to my heart,
Shivers dart down my spine,
I know you'll remember me right at the end,
We'll meet again down the line,
I see you now, hopeless, a fool with no use,
Your love made me desperate and blind,
I still seek your smile, a word to say,
"It's over, and I feel fine"


I never said those three words to him,
He wasn't for me, my enemy,
Made me bleed, took all I had and left with a heart in his pocket,
Not mine. I had a power, somehow, to strike him,
My family longed to see him die. So did I.
The way he abused me, the women he claimed to charm,
And he snapped off the bait, idiot!
The brute warmed me, head to toe, a little more ripe for the killing,
We took a brief walk through the family crypt,
He learned a few names, touched my lips,
My blood ran colder than ice,
In the stillness. I pulled the trigger and the air crackled,
He never moved. It was amusing. His eyes
Punctured me, and I felt no sorrow for the anguish he'd caused,
And we made the headlines! 'Romeo and Juliet',
They cuffed me, and my God did it hurt,
The flash snap of photography burned my eyes,
I never cried. It was an adventure,
No tragedy,
When I saw Mrs. Montague there in the throngs
I inhaled the death,
Only then did I frown,
For the bullet had broken me.

Later, an angel told me some bloke called William wrote a play about us,
But he got the story wrong,
Still... me, famous! I always knew I would be someday!